Local Resources of Aniwa


Sandalwood is one of the few resources in Aniwa that can bring income to the island.

Growers Guide

Restoration of Vanuatu Sandalwood

Aniwa Sandalwood Oil Composition

Sandalwood Oil


I'm not sure how well-known Aniwa actually is for oranges, but I appreciated this write-up.  It reminded me of a study that was done to change the soil using orange peels.  I have attached a link to that story, and if Aniwa does indeed go through a lot of oranges, it would be great to see some sort of plan to improve the soil quality there.

Land of the Sweet Oranges

Orange Peel Fertiliser


Aniwa is highly dependant on fishing for income

SPC Marine Information Bulletin

SPC - Women in the Fisheries