Cradle Earth Characters

Below are a list of main characters that make up the initial Cradle Earth story.

All character images are made using stable diffusion AI and are not actual people and only represent characters in the story, which are subject to change.

John Victor

Geology Professor

John studies earth processes and materials which makes him a perfect candidate for researching the undiscovered resource in Cradle Earth as well as determining the cause and prevention of earthquakes in the area.  John spent some time in the military as well and has had experience with drilling rigs and setting up freshwater supply systems.

Gerald Creats

CEO of Serbatek

Gerald is a profound CEO and business man.  As CEO of Serbatek, the R&D branch of Telzac, he has made massive contributions toward new technological advances.  There seems to be more to him than meets the eye and perhaps he has some other business being conducted out of Cryptopolis, but nobody seems to mind with the results he brings to the table.


Go to Guy

Tam has always gotten along with the locals, tourist and even the government.  Everyone seems to know Tam as the guy to go to when something needs another pair of hands, he's always willing to help.  Being a father of 4 he is dedicated to giving them the best life possible and teaching them to never say no when a fellow person is in need.


Housekeeper at the Orange Coral Hotel 

Leigh is married to Tam and makes sure her family is fed and cared for.  Her friendly manner has been welcome in the Orange Coral Hotel and Pub, though she prefers not to encourage drinking in the pub and settles on prepping rooms to be as comfortable and clean as possible when guests arrive.


The Wise Drunk

Mallow has a sad story. He lost his wife to a terrible storm, and since then his drinking was the only thing keeping him going.  Mallow seemed to have a lot of information.  With all the time spent lingering and lying around the island, people paid the drunk no mind when they spoke of things that should otherwise be secret.  Mallow had no home and the locals let him stay with them if he decided he needed to get out from the weather.